Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"30 Days of Getting Results" in 129 pages of a free eBook (PDF)

Sources of Insight - Now Available: 30 Days of Getting Results Free eBook

"The 30 Days of Getting Results Free eBook is a collection of little lessons you can use to improve your personal productivity and personal effectiveness.

It’s an off-line version of the 30 Days of Getting Results Boot Camp. If you’ve already gone through the 30 Days of Getting Results, then this is a great way to refresh what you learned at your finger tips. If you haven’t gone through it already, the 30 Days of Getting Results will help you build a strong foundation for personal excellence. You start off by building a rhythm for results for your day and for your week. You then map out the most important things in your work and life. You then learn how to prioritize with skill and spend more time in your strengths. From that foundation, you grow your ability to think, feel, and act your best. You then learn how to add more power hours to your week, as well as creative hours. This empowers you to achieve more in less time, as well as amplify your chance to flow more value to yourself and others, both in terms of getting results, and unleashing your creative ideas.


Key Challenges Addressed

  • How to achieve work/life balance
  • How to focus and direct your attention with skill
  • How to motivate yourself with skill and find your drive
  • How to use a simple system to achieve meaningful results
  • How to manage your time
  • How to spend more time on the things that really matter to you
  • How to play to your strengths and spend less time in weaknesses
  • How to change a habit and make it stick
  • How to make the most of your your moments, days, weeks, months, and years
  • How to be the author of your life and write your story forward

Contents at a Glance

  • Day 1 – Take a Tour of Getting Results the Agile Way
  • Day 2 – Monday Vision – Use Three Stories to Drive Your Week
  • Day 3 – Daily Outcomes – Use Three Stories to Drive Your Day
  • Day 4 – Let Things Slough Off
  • Day 5 – Hot Spots – Map Out What’s Important
  • Day 6 – Friday Reflection – Identify Three Things Going Well and Three Things to Improve
  • Day 7 – Setup Boundaries and Buffers
  • Day 8 – Dump Your Brain to Free Your Mind
  • Day 9 – Prioritize Your Day with MUST, SHOULD, and COULD
  • Day 10 – Feel Strong All Week Long
  • Day 11 – Reduce Friction and Create Glide Paths for Your Day
  • Day 12 – Productivity Personas – Are You are a Starter or a Finisher?
  • Day 13 – Triage Your Action Items with Skill
  • Day 14 – Carve Out Time for What’s Important
  • Day 15 – Achieve a Peaceful Calm State of Mind
  • Day 16 – Use Metaphors to Find Your Motivation
  • Day 17 – Add Power Hours to Your Week
  • Day 18 – Add Creative Hours to Your Week
  • Day 19 – Who are You Doing it For?
  • Day 20 – Ask Better Questions, Get Better Results
  • Day 21 – Carry the Good Forward, Let the Rest Go
  • Day 22 – Design Your Day with Skill
  • Day 23 – Design Your Week with Skill
  • Day 24 – Bounce Back with Skill
  • Day 25 – Fix Time. Flex Scope
  • Day 26 – Solve Problems with Skill
  • Day 27 – Do Something Great
  • Day 28 – Find Your One Thing
  • Day 29 – Find Your Arena for Your Best Results
  • Day 30 – Take Agile Results to the Next Level


My usual PDF snap...


I've heard J.D. talk about his approach in a podcast or two (it's been a bit and can't remember which of the many casts I listen to it was.. sorry) and I liked what I heard, so when I saw this, I knew I had to grab it. Now to actually read it! lol

Every day is a day lived, so you might as well live it well... (sorry, it's been a long day ;)

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