Tuesday, December 20, 2011

12 things in 2012 you should stop doing... (or think about stopping them at least... ;)

SQLRockstar | Thomas LaRock - 12 Things You Should Stop Doing in 2012

"It’s the end of the year and already I am seeing the usual blog posts that either reflect on the year that was, or are pondering the year to come. I thought about writing another post covering all of the things that didn’t happen to me this past year but since I’ve already done that before I figured I needed to do something different. So I decided on this post instead. You’re welcome.

Here are the 12 things you should stop doing in 2012.



#12 made me laugh...

(via Jason Haley - Interesting Finds: December 20, 2011)

1 comment:

  1. Your list sounds good, but i can't agree with no2, as i work in the outsourcing industry - so keeping in touch with customers is the most important.


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