Thursday, December 01, 2011

Fly like a [beta test] Eagle... Microsoft is looking for Microsoft Flight Beta testers...

The Road to Know Where - Microsoft is Looking for "Pilots" to Test New FLIGHT Sim Program!

"Microsoft is looking for people to beta test their new FLIGHT simulation program, scheduled to kick-off in January 2012.



"As promised in our November update, we have big news for all of our Flight fans: the Microsoft Flight launch sequence has begun!

We’re thrilled to announce that the Microsoft Flight Beta is scheduled to kick-off in January 2012 and we are now accepting applications to participate in the beta program – to apply click here. Note that any beta applications sent via e-mail to will not be considered for inclusion in the beta program.

We will be sorting through your applications over the coming month and will get back to qualifying participants with additional details throughout our beta phases in January. As we taxi for takeoff, we will continue to provide intriguing updates about the future of Microsoft Flight so please keep checking in on our website or on our Facebook Fan Page.

Fasten your seat belts, return your tray tables to their upright and locked positions, and get ready for Microsoft Flight to takeoff!

The Microsoft Flight Team" [GD: Page leached in full]

sigh... I really need to upgrade my machine so I can get in, and enjoy, this... I mean it's MS Flight!  :)

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