Friday, December 16, 2011

Hey, that's me! RadioTFS is back, with a new site and a new co-host...

RadioTFS - 33 // TFS Power Tools, Local Workspaces and Greg Joins the Show

"In this episode we celebrate the reboot of the Radio TFS podcast with a new co-host as Greg Duncan joins Mickey, Paul and Martin to talk about the latest release of the TFS Power Tools, updates to the Azure hosted instance of TFS 11 at and delve into the Local Workspace feature coming up in TFS 11.

Links from the show:



Yeah! Not only do we get a new, nice and clean RadioTFS web site (built by Martin over a weekend with Web Matrix), but we get a new show... and a new co-host! Yep, I'll be helping out on the show too... :)

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