Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Loggr - Your SignalR based real time "event" application monitor (think "Cool web based major/high level event UI" or "A logging solution with data you can actually use...")



loggr - How It Works


Why use it?

One of our goals is to make application monitoring non-technical. Sure, you'll need some technical chops to implement a logging solution, but consuming those events has to be easy. Easy enough for your client to be able to log in and see how the site you just built is performing. Even after you've moved on to your next project. We've all seen how people's eyes glaze over when we explain how to use Google Analytics.

What it's not

Loggr is not for web traffic. Use Google Analytics for that. Loggr does not replace syslog or windows event viewer. Use Splunk for that. We do high-level events like errors, sales, usage, job activity, etc.

Who's it for?

Independent Contractors use Loggr for each of your new jobs. Build in events that are meaningful for your clients and share the log with them, or let them see them on their phone. Keep tabs on all your client jobs within the same web app. Consolidate your alerts and be notified when any project is having problems.

Development Shops use Loggr to centralize the event logging across all current projects. Managers can monitor activity across all projects. Save the time and cost of building out logging for your projects. It takes a second to add a new log, and with our platform libraries your devs can easily build in event logging from the start of each new project.

Web Startups use Loggr to track critical events for your new web business. Web-traffic analytics only go so far for tracking progress. Log conversions, signups, cancelled accounts, feature usage, errors, application tracing, etc. Loggr enables you to see historical patterns, track customer paths across tiers in your application, even servers in your web farm

A couple things I liked about this new service...

  • They make it clear what it's Not. I like that kind of clarity...
  • I liked the idea of adding runtime analytics with one'ish line of code. While this doesn't replace full and complete runtime analytics I can really see how something like this could be used to provide "Senior Management Safe" data. 
  • I dug the idea of how it might be used in an enterprise, think across a product that uses tons of servers and such. Sure we've all invented this wheel ourselves before, but was that a wheel we really needed reinvent? Or just because there wasn't something like this already available?
  • Finally that it used SignalR... :)

There's a"Free Forever" plan if you just want to play with this.

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