Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mole (as in skin) monitoring, advice and expert opinions with SkinScan for Windows Phone 7 & HealthVault

Family Health Guy - Keep track of moles and skin health with SkinScan for WP7/HealthVault!

The only downside of a beach vacation for those of us with northern European heritage: I’ll be sunburned before I finish checking in at the front desk. Yes, I’ll put on sunscreen, and wear silly Australian sun gear --- but it won’t matter. My folks have both had to have bits and pieces of their skin checked out; the same is clearly in my future.

Enter SkinScan --- a really innovative HealthVault-enabled Windows Phone app from the folks at mySkin.

SkinScan makes it really easy to:

  • Capture images of moles and other blemishes with your smartphone’s camera;
  • Answer a brief questionnaire to determine if the lesion is high risk or not;
  • Upload that information to HealthVault, so you can watch how the mole progresses over time and share the information with dermatologists or other caregivers; and
  • Even send the data to a live “skin scientist” that will provide you with an expert opinion.

Skin care is one of those things where the ability to monitor changes over time is crucially important. Combining the convenience of mobile with the permanence and sharing capabilities of the cloud just makes fantastic sense. When you get a new phone next year, no problem --- your history will still be there in HealthVault, ready to help you answer the question, “is this mole changing?”

Yeah, while lots of people keep talking about personal health, the really great ones are helping to MAKE IT HAPPEN! Kudos to the mySkin team on a super-exciting, super-USEFUL, innovative app. Well done!




Do you know that your mole may be early signs of skin cancer? One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime. Early detection of moles significantly reduce the chance of skin cancer. SkinScan analyzes your moles, tracks their changes, and connects you with dermatologists to get a professional opinion.


If you've ever had to deal with this (which I have) you'll probably immediately recognize the value in this app and service...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    One of the apps in the article, SkinScan, has a new release today with updated UX and syncing options --- you can find at

    Feedback welcome!


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