Monday, December 19, 2011

.NET Client Library for Google+ (Both in original binary form and decompiled/source version too)

Google Plus Tips - .NET Client Library for Google+ APIs from

"Are you a .NET developer looking for a .NET Client library to develop cool applications using Google+ data? Here is a .NET library, developed using C#. You can download the .NET Library from here and use it to develop applications

We are excited to announce the release of GooglePlusLib, a .NET library for Google+ APIs.

Google announced the version 1 of Google+ APIs couple of days ago. As usual, Google released the APIs along with a couple of client libraries, including .NET client library. However, the client libraries released by Google have some learning curve since the usage is not in the native .NET programming style.

Here is a .NET client library we developed for Google+ APIs. They are very easy to use in your applications.

You are welcome to use the GooglePlusLib.NET client library as you like. You can use this library to develop applications and distribute it with your applications.



Peter Bromberg - GooglePlusLib .NET Client Library for Google+ API (Decompiled Version)

The GooglePlus.NET library can be found here:

Tony John, the author, says "You are welcome to use the GooglePlusLib.NET client library as you like. You can use this library to develop applications and distribute it with your applications.

"The only problem is, he only provides the downloadable Assembly and no source code is to be found. That's not good enough for me, so I decompiled it, fixed up the code, added some XML documentation, and added a sample Test Console App that exercises some of the methods. The nice thing about this library is that it deserializes all the API JSON into .NET Classes which makes working with the API much cleaner. Here is some sample code:



This library currently covers all the methods available in the Google+ API. With this source code, you are in a position to be able to easily update it when the API is enhanced. It also provides the nextPageToken which allows you to handle paging of results. You have everything in this library that you need, for example, to build an entire web site around the Google+ API including searching for people, activities, comments, attachments (articles or images) and so on. You can get your own API key here.

You can download the full Visual Studio 2010 Solution here. [GD: click through for the download link]"

I thought the byplay here interesting. One developer releases a Google Plus API .Net DLL with a very liberal license but no source. Another Dev who likes it but wants tweaks/changes, decompiles it, tweaks/improves it and shares that version (with source). [Insert fork joke here]

The lesson IMHO? If you can, release source. Better yet, host the project on one of the awesome and free source code repositories available online. Help your community help you, by making it easy to improve what you release, help them give back to you, as you've given to us... And if you don't want your source easily reused/seen/decompiled, obfuscate.

All that said, for you Google Plus'ers, if you're looking for a .Net Lib, check these out (which ever one your comfortable with getting and using... ;)

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