Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Stopping the WP7 Emulator Skin file copy/replace madness... Windows Phone 7 Emulator Skin Switcher 1.0 [Beta]

Geert van der Cruijsen - Windows Phone 7 Emulator Skin Switcher 1.0 Beta

"In the last few weeks several people started creating their own skins for the Windows Phone 7 Emulator. Switching between different skins was a lot of work by copying files manually to the emulator directory every time you wanted to switch. From now on this is not needed anymore because you can use the Windows Phone 7 Emulator Skin Switcher application I’ve created.




I love developers... We do something manually like twice, say, "this is lame..." and the code up something to automate it and make it less lame. And then we share it...

Now if only the source for this was released... :| (Because THEN we could build in a Skin Share feature, maybe Nuget based, integrate an editor/uploader and... and... and... lol :)

(via Windows Phone Geek - Windows Phone 7 Emulator Skin Switcher 1.0 Beta)


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