Thursday, December 08, 2011

Windows Phone Starter Kit for Schools v2.0 now available

Chris Koenig - Windows Phone Starter Kit for Schools v2.0 Released!

"I’m pleased to announce the release of Version 2 for the Windows Phone Starter Kit for Schools!

Thanks to some AWESOME help and source code changes submitted by Rudy Hyun, I was able to incorporate a bunch of new stuff into a new version of the Starter Kit.

  • added localization support (fr and en included)
  • switched to Google Weather service (previous service was US only)
  • merged map panorama items
  • added a popup to select contact method on the contact pano (previous was hard to select)
  • added a campus view to navigate to the image (pinch/zoom/translate, etc)
  • improved the MVVM implementation
  • some refactoring of the data files and codebase
  • added club tab (item data + subtitle – can be removed if unwanted)
  • various code and performance tweaks


Windows Phone Starter Kit for Schools


I am just a sucker... for Starter Kits, that is. I like how they help me hit the ground running with an am, helping me focus on my specific requirements and not have to worry about other ick (if I don't want too at least).


Related Past Post XRef:
MySchoolApp - Windows Phone 7 Starter Kit for building a, well, My School App... (C# and VB)

Windows Phone, Podcast App Starter Kit. Don't leave your Podcast without it...

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