Friday, December 09, 2011

Zork you! Creating your own text adventure game/interactive fiction and play it online, offline or even as an app... (oh and it's open source too!)

Play text adventure games online...



image - Quest

Create text adventure games. Share them with everybody. Free for Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP

Quest lets you make text adventure games (interactive fiction) that can be played anywhere. Your game can be played in a web browser, downloaded to a PC, or even turned into an iPhone or Android app.

  • Easy to create your own game

No programming knowledge is required. Everything about your game is displayed in plain English, and a full tutorial is included. If you’ve ever wanted to create your own game, but have been put off by complicated programming languages, Quest is a great way to get started.

  • Graphics, sounds, video
  • Share your game
  • Games in any language
  • Advanced Features




The only thing to make this cooler? Would be if it were open source... Oh wait!

Quest 5


Quest 5 is a brand new system for creating modern text adventure games. It is a complete rewrite of Quest, and lets you create sophisticated games complete with graphics, sounds and videos, all without having to know how to program yourself - a full visual editor is included.
  • Visual script editor. A plain English approach to programming, where you can choose commands from searchable lists, so you don't need to remember any syntax
  • Highly customizable - most functionality comes from a Core library, which is written in the Quest game language (ASLX) itself
  • Games support unlimited undo
  • Games are fully translatable - there is no hard coded text within a game. You can translate the English template to create games in other languages - we already have support for Spanish, German and Dutch.
  • HTML game output allows embedding sounds, pictures, YouTube, Vimeo clips
  • XML game file format is easily editable outside of Quest if you don't want to use Quest's own editor
  • Games can be played online by uploading the .quest file to, or you can use the WebPlayer project to host them yourself on a web server with ASP.NET 4.0
  • Ms-PL licence (like MIT) means you're free to create commercial Quest games, and use Quest in closed-source projects


Need I really say more? There's geek goodness here for everyone!

(via 3D Buzz - Text Adventure Games...)

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