Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bipin shows us that creating a tag cloud doesn't have to be hard to do (in ASP.Net)

CodeGuru - Creating a Tag Cloud for Your ASP.NET Blog


Most of the blogs display a set of tags or keywords in the form of a Tag Cloud. A tag cloud presents the keywords in font sizes proportional to the number of blog posts having that tag. If you are using some blogging website or using some open source blogging engine you already have a tag cloud ready. However, if you are building your own blog engine or website you will need to build the tag cloud on your own. This article shows how to do just that.

  • What is a Tag Cloud?
  • Sample Database
  • Creating TagCloud User Control
  • Testing TagCloud User Control



Tag cloud is an essential ingredient of a blog. A tag cloud displays "weighted" tags as per their number of occurrences in the blog posts. This article illustrated how a tag cloud can be built for your own blog. The TagCloud user control thus created can then be used on web forms and master pages.



I dig tag clouds as that make it easy to get a handle on a set of data and Bipin made creating your own tag cloud look easy...

(via Bipin - Thoughts on .Net & Coding - Creating a Tag Cloud for Your ASP.NET Blog)

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