Friday, January 06, 2012

Burn a folder to CD with the free BurnDisk.exe command line utility from IntelliAdmin

IntelliAdmin - Burn a folder to a DVD from the command line

"This week we have a question from Melissa:

“Hi Steve. Got a really quick question. Previously you had an article that showed how to burn an ISO from the command line. My question is, what about a folder? I want to simply burn a folders contents to a DVD once a week. Any simple way to do this?”

Good question Melissa. I too have been looking for something like this.

Most of the DVD/CD burning software is not free.

That is not a big problem…but I would think that the simple process of copying a folder to a DVD or CD shouldn’t cost me $49!

So what to do? Have the IntelliAdmin team make one for you!

This first version we wanted to be as simple as possible, so it only does one thing: Burn a folder to a disk.


I can see where something like those could come in handy, for those organizations that still have to burn CD/DVD's for internal distribution/promotion/etc (cough... not that I know of one... cough... ;)

BTW, while you're there on the download page, check out all the other utilities, free and pay, from IntelliAdmin...


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