Thursday, January 19, 2012

A "Get right to work introduction to Lucene.Net"

codeguru - Introduction to Lucene.Net

"What is Lucene.Net?

Lucene.Net is an exact port of the original Lucene search engine library, written in C#. It provides a framework (APIs) for creating applications with full text search.

Lucene.Net can be downloaded from Currently it is undergoing incubation at Apache Software Foundation (ASF).

Why Use Lucene.Net?

You can use Lucene.Net to add more power to an already existing search in your ASP.Net web application or website. It can also be used to index and search documents (word, pdf, etc.) within your application.

This article describes how we can use Lucene.Net to add full text search in our ASP.Net applications. Any search function consists of two basic steps, first to index the text and second to search the text. We will use Lucene.Net to do both of the steps.

In this example we will try to read the content of a text file and index it using Lucene.Net. First download the dll and add a reference to the project.



I liked this "get right to work" introduction to, pretty short sweet yet enough code to get started. Nice.

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