Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Get a little more Live... QFE Windows Live Essentials 2011 update released

Aaron's Live Writer Blog - An update for Windows Live Writer–Wave 4 is now available

" While I am no longer working on Windows Live Writer I still talk with that team and today we announced that there is an update to the Windows Live Essentials suite — http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/windowsexperience/archive/2012/03/20/update-for-windows-live-essentials-2011-now-available.aspx.

When talking with the Writer team they said they just made QFE level bug fixes and did not add new features to the product. As always I would recommend updating as things should be more stable than what you have today. You can get the new version from http://get.live.com

As an aside working on the Photo Gallery team we did make some improvements when working with web services in that users of flickr, Facebook, or Geo-tagging will enjoy and that should be reason enough to update your build" [GD: Post leached in full]

While the future of WLE is very much up in the air, I'm glad it's not totally dead...

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