Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Installed VS11 beta or seen references to the new SQL Server LocalDB? Did you know there was a command line management tool included? Say hello to SqlLocalDB.exe

Kodyaz Development Resources - SQL Server LocalDB Management Utility SqlLocalDB.exe

"SQL Server LocalDB is a lightweight, easy to use database for application developers. Microsoft SQL Server LocalDB requires minimum effort for database management so that it enables developers concantrate on application development rather than database administration.

A SQL Server Express LocalDB database is managed by the SqlLocalDB.exe management utility. In BOL (Books OnLine), you may also read about LocalDBManager.exe management utility, but with Microsoft SQL Server Denali CTP3 release, in Tools folder there was no LocalDBManager.exe binary file. Probably, this is a documentation error or the LocalDB management utility was changed between documentation and release date.

SQL Server Express LocalDB Management Utility :
Folder : D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn
File : SqlLocalDB.exe

Developers that use SQL Server LocalDB as database for their application's storage needs can use SqlLocalDB.exe over CMD Windows.



In the coming months and years we'll be hearing more about LocalDB (think SQL Express but easier) so wanted to capture this tidbit (as I know in six months I'm going to need this but forget the details...)


Related Past Post XRef:
Denali CTP3 introduces LocalDB - Think SQL Server Express crossed with SQL CE (or SQL CE grown up or SQL Express made as almost as easy CE)

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