Monday, March 19, 2012

"Windows Phone Unleashed" the "mostly west coast free BYOD #WP7dev training tour"

The Sociable Geek - Windows Phone Unleashed

"Want to learn how to build a windows phone application (Become a WP7Dev). Then join us for the Windows Phone Unleashed Series. The content was created by Daniel Egan (me) and Bret Stateham.

Windows Phone Unleashed is put on by the community. It is an all day event with 3 instructor led sessions paired with Hands On Labs that when you are finished complete the Coffee Findr application. At the end of the day there is a app contest with Prizes.

You can download the finished app from the Marketplace . From this application you will learn the following skills. Check it out now.

Register for an Event Near You.

  • Working with Live Tiles
  • Periodic Execution
  • Pulling Data from Rest Services
  • Deserializing Json
  • Binding data to your UI
  • Using Bing for Maps and Directions
  • Using Isolated Storage and SQL CE on the Phone
  • Navigation
  • And much much more


Windows Phone Unleashed

All Day of Hands on Programming, B.Y.O. Laptop!

Windows Phone 7 is HOT! Come check out Windows Phone 7 Unleashed for everything you need to know to develop for WP7. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or you're just starting with .NET development, there's something in it for you. The first half of this deep dive event is lecture and hands on lab. At the half point mark of the day, you'll have a solid foundation for building WP7 applications. The second half of the day is going straight to code.

Build an app and win from $800 in prizes
  • 1st Place: $500 Gift Card
  • 2nd Place: $200 Gift Card
  • 3rd Place: $100 Gift Card
Free Marketplace Tokens

A limited amount of complimentary tokens are available for those submitting their application to the Windows Phone Marketplace. Organizers of each event will collect names of those interested.

Limited Seating

In order to deliver the best possible experience for attendees, seating at these events is VERY limited. Register NOW!

Community Events!

These windows Phone Unleashed events are run by your local community friends and leaders.



Nothing like some free training to get the brain cells firing... The LOB focused content caught my eye. Signed up. :)

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