Monday, March 19, 2012

Some open apps at open.NASA with SpaceApp examples... - #SpaceApps: Space Makes Anything Possible

"What exactly is a space app? What could you do with all that data, anyway? And how can we use space to improve life on Earth?

On the first night of the first codeathon-type event I ever attended, I saw this quote from Herb Kelleher posted on the wall: “We have a strategic plan, it’s called DOING THINGS.” And that’s the key to what’s going to happen at the Apps Challenge: we’re in this to do things. We’re in this to make things. We’re in this because we believe that the questions that motivate us to explore space can change the way we live here on Earth and the way the next generation will continue to explore, and we’re ready to see where that takes us.

To stir up your imagination, the Apps Challenge team has assembled this list of some of the coolest apps we have seen recently using space data, space experience, or just plain space awesomeness. They include software and hardware, science and art, education outreach and creative ideation. Some of these apps originated as official NASA projects; some are the work of engaged, inspired citizens. Nearly all demonstrate the vital importance of open data and the scientific and technological possibilities it creates.

You can read more here about the four types of challenges we will address at the event. We’re adding new challenges to the site every few days… go here to read and comment on the current challenges, and go here to submit a new challenge idea for the International Space Apps Challenge.



Besides being space'ish (I know, I know, space app's should be more than enough... but...), many of the projects provide you the details, source, designs, etc...


Related Past Post XRef:
NASA making #spaceapps physical or "I just wanted some lasers on my fricken Arduino's..."

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