Wednesday, April 25, 2012

101 #SpaceApps from the International Space Apps Challenge

open.NASA - 100+ Reasons #SpaceApps Made a Difference

"The International Space Apps Challenge, held on 21-22 April 2012, was a very productive event. 100+ solutions were developed in less then 48 hours, and although a few teams are still submitting their solutions to the website, we wanted to provide a summary of the 100+ reasons what you did at the event made a difference! We have listed out all unique solutions submitted below, in alphabetical order, and included a one or two sentence elevator-pitch description of each. We have also included a link to the solution page if you are interested in finding out more information about the solution, want to view or download the code, share a comment, contact the team, or in some cases view a demo or prototype of the solution itself. If you are one of the participants and would like to improve the description we have for your project, please email us your updates at

Each location had the opportunity to nominate up to two winning solutions for consideration in the Global Judging process. The solutions thare were nominated are identified as well. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to one of the solutions below – the results truly speak for themselves.


This is a serious list of some very awesome and cool apps, many of which you can get the source for (at least those I checked);

Here's just a couple that stood out for me;

7. Beam Be Up To A Satellite! – Space Checkin (Virtual)
A spaceobject checkin game that visualizes the nearest satellites overhead and provides points and badges for each check-in.\

26. (New York City, USA) (Nominated for Global Judging)
ExoAPI is an ongoing project that extends the accessibility of exoplanetary data by providing an easy to use RESTful API.

33. Galaxy Sexy (Tokyo, Japan)
An app that generates a graph of brain waves from a user who is interacting with space data, using a cheap EEG device, a PC and an arduino.

38. (Exeter, United Kingdom)
A real-time hazard map application that is powered by social media observations to help provide a a useful risk assessment for potential (and actual) crisis situations.

58. NASA-Ex (Virtual)
An 3d solar system exploration tool that uses C# ASP.NET MVC3 for a backend to interface with HORIZON data over telnet, Three.js to do the WebGL rendering, HTML5 and CSS3

101. Ze-Api (French For “The API”) (Nairobi, Kenya)
An API that converts inaccessible NASA data into popular formats used by developers, by converting Json data XML, YAML and a better structured JSON data.

Related Past Post XRef:
Some open apps at open.NASA with SpaceApp examples...
NASA making #spaceapps physical or "I just wanted some lasers on my fricken Arduino's..."

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