Wednesday, April 11, 2012

If you're doing Amazon Web Services development, here's 43 (and counting) free Kindle ebooks for you (from the Amazon Web Services team)

Amazon Web Services Blog - AWS Documentation Now Available on the Kindle

"AWS documentation is now available on the Kindle - if this is all you need to know, start here and you'll have access to the new documents in seconds.

I "purchased" (the actual cost is $0.00) the EC2 Getting Started Guide and had it delivered to my trusty Kindle DX, where it looked great:

You can highlight, annotate, and search the content as desired.

We've uploaded 43 documents so far; others will follow shortly." [GD: Post Leached in Fill]

Books by Amazon Web Services



Seems so logical in hindsight doesn't it? Having these, in this format? These look like some must have resources for anyone thinking about, getting started with, or doing AWS development...

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