Monday, April 30, 2012

More details on, and examples for, the jQuery Mobile Metro Theme

ScottLogic - Introducing the jQuery Mobile Metro Theme

This blog post introduces the new jQuery Mobile Metro theme and demonstrates how to create a web UI that detects the device it is being viewed on, to render a Metro UI on WP7 and iOS on other devices:

You can view the mobile web site shown above on your own device from here. Note, on a WP7 device, set your IE to render the ‘mobile version’ of websites to see the Metro theme.


A couple of weeks ago Microsoft announced the formation of Microsoft Open Technologies Inc. which will contribute to open source projects, standards and interoperability. For Windows Phone 7 developers, where the mobile OS market is highly fragmented, any efforts to push standards and interoperability are a very good thing. The first project backed by the Open Tech interop team was Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) allowing you to run HTML5 applications on your WP7, as covered in one of my previous blog posts. A few days ago, the team announced another release, jQuery Mobile (jQM) Metro. In this blog post we’ll take a look at what jQM is and how it helps you build HTML5-based mobile applications.

HTML5 is becoming an increasingly popular technology for the creation of mobile applications, allowing developers to leverage their existing JavaScript and CSS skills, regardless of the native language requirements of the mobile platform being targeted (WP7, iOS, Android etc …). One of the greatest challenges for developers of HTML5-based mobile applications is the creation of user-interfaces that mimic the native look and feel. This is where technologies like jQuery Mobile come in handy, this framework provides a standard set of styles and markup for creating a wide range of mobile layouts, controls and transitions.


I thought this was a great post on the recent MS Open Tech Metro jQuery Metro theme release. It really fills in the details on it...


Related Past Post XRef:
MS Open Tech JQuery Mobile's Metro

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