Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Need a SQL Server Database Schema Diff tool and would really like an open source one? Check out Open DBDiff

Ginktage - Open DBDiff for SQL Server 2008

"Last few weeks , i have been playing around with this cool tool called Open DBDiff .

As the name suggests Open DBDiff tool lets you compare the database schema for SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 . Its a simple and effectve tool for database schema comparision .

Open DBDiff is a open source tool and reports differences between two database schemas and provides the SQL Script that synchronizes both databases so that you can use the SQL script to upgrade the database .


Open DBDiff

"Open DBDiff is an open source database schema comparison tool for SQL Server 2005/2008.

It reports differences between two database schemas and provides a synchronization script to upgrade a database from one to the other.

Don't miss a year's worth of updates ready for testing: Open DBDiff 0.9

Open DBDiff can synchronize

  • Tables (including Table Options like vardecimal, text in row, etc.)
  • Columns (including Computed Columns, XML options, Identities, etc.)
  • Constraints
  • Indexes (and XML Indexes)
  • XML Schemas
  • Table Types
  • User Data Types (UDT)
  • CLR Objects (Assemblies, CLR-UDT, CLR-Store Procedure, CLR-Triggers)
  • Triggers (including DDL Triggers)
  • Synonyms
  • Schemas
  • File groups
  • Views
  • Functions
  • Store Procedures
  • Partition Functions/Schemes
  • Users
  • Roles
I didn't found any tool like this 100% open source for SQL Server. It does not depend on any privative tool or component. I do its work without resorting to SMO.




The release binary download for this project is a couple years old (but there's a new beta version that was released Mar 2012) and there's no direct Server 2012 support yet (though I used it on SQL Server 2012 and it pretty much just worked), but there's recent check-ins (Mar 2012) and it IS OSS (GPLv2). I don't think I've seen an open source tool like this, with this scope, for SQL Server.

I grabbed the latest check-in and it compiled and ran the first time with no issues. Here's a snap of it running against two SQL 2012 databases;


All in this, this looks like a pretty cool project and one that I'll be following and watching now...

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