Monday, April 23, 2012

SkyDrive users take note! Want to keep your free 25GB storage (and not be cut to 7GB)? You need to take advantage of the free upgrade now...

Are you a SkyDrive user? Happy that you have 25GB of free storage? Well you don't have 25GB of free storage any more. You now have 7GB of free storage.

But if you're an existing user you can get a free "upgrade" back to 25GB. But YOU have to do it (Unless you're already using 4GB+, then you'll auto-magically get upgraded)...

I just logged into my SkyDrive account and was prompted with the highlighted notice below.


After I clicked on the claim link;


Once I clicked on the free upgrade, I was back to 25GB;



Note: You can also download the Windows 7 Preview and iOS clients now too. Check out SkyDrive for Windows and OS X Lion app now available with new paid storage plans




So while I'm VERY happy there's finally official Windows Explorer integration for SkyDrive, the way the 7GB cut is being handled irks me a little. An email a few days prior to this, a proactive notification of this change, would have been nice...


  1. thanks for the heads up

  2. wow... done clicking the button, it is now 25Gb again...


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