Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Telerik, are you just mocking me? Yep! With the Telerik JustMock Free Edition

KodefuGuru - Looking for a Free .NET Mocking Framework?

Are you already using SOLID principles in your code? Check out Telerik JustMock Free Edition. It's even available on NuGet!

You may be thinking to yourself, "Why bother when there are so many other alternatives?" I will give you just a few reasons...

  1. JustMock Free is the best free mocking framework (try it out for yourself).
  2. It's supported by a well-known and trusted vendor, Telerik.
  3. It's the brainchild of Mehfuz Hossain, author of awesome open source frameworks such as AutoBox.
  4. Here's the most important reason: if you find yourself in need of an extremely powerful mocking framework that can mock things like static classes, LINQ queries, and inject them regardless of how the code is constructed, your developers will already be familiar with the framework when you use the commercial edition.

Here are some items that JustMock Free Edition supports:


While VS11 will having a mocking framework in the box, that's still in the future (even though you know there's a Go Live on the VS11 beta, right? That you can, and it's supported, use VS11 in production? And that they'll support upgrading from the VS11 beta to RTM?) it's always nice to have some options and it's hard to go wrong when that option is free and from a top tier ISV like Telerik.

The icing on the cake for me was that they made it available via Nuget... nice...

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