Monday, April 30, 2012

Unleashing more Mayhem with more Mayhem Module Madness and turning up the volume!

Project Mayhem - an overview


Time to unleash Mayhem. Well, first, what is it. Mayhem lets you trivially connect any device or service to any other device or service. It would be impossible to list all the things you can do with Mayhem, but here are some examples:

  • Use your cell phone to control your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Receive an email reminder to winterize your house when the temperature drops below freezing.
  • Automatically update your Facebook status to "I'm rich!" whenever Microsoft stock hits $50 a share.
  • Add an auto-save feature to a program that doesn't have it.
  • Pause a video automatically when you leave the room.

The great thing about Mayhem is that all of these things can be done by anyone in seconds, without programming


Project Mayhem - Creating a module

"Want to create some Mayhem? In this video, Eli walks through creating a reaction with Mayhem to alter the volume of your computer. This will hard set the volume and in the Coding4Fun article, we'll show how to go the next step and dynamically adjust the volume.

If you're not sure what Mayhem is, head over to the Make Mayhem website or hit up the Channel 9 overview of Mayhem.


Making Mayhem with Volume Control

Why, hello there! We are going to pick up where we left off at the end of our Coding4Fun video. In the video we built a reaction that increments the volume level on the computer. We are going to expand from there to make a reaction that enables you to set the volume level to a specified volume.


Remember to check out the CodePlex project for Mayhem, where there's some more about the API,


Related Past Post XRef:
Make Mayhem! The open source, event driven, add-on enabled, graphical service connection utility

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