Friday, April 13, 2012

Wish you could give Microsoft some feedback on Windows? Check out the Windows Feedback Program

Windows Experience Blog - The Windows Feedback Program

"Want to help us improve Windows? You can opt-in (apply) to be invited into the Windows Feedback Program today! The Windows Feedback Program was created for us to enlist the help of customers who want to be more actively involved providing direct feedback to us. The program is invite-only and only available for customers in the US. We are actively seeking volunteers who are using Windows 7 or the Windows 8 Consumer Preview to participate. The program is not a way to submit bugs for the Windows 8 Consumer Preview, but rather a way to help us build better software by getting a broader understanding of your perceptions and experiences with our products.

Click here to apply for the Windows Feedback Program!

Customers who are invited into the program can choose to provide feedback in two ways: through surveys or automatically by installing a special client on their PC that collects data.

Customers who get invited and participate (through sending us data or filling our surveys) for more than 4 months will be eligible for free software and Xbox games such as Microsoft Office 2010, Kinect Disneyland, and Forza Motorsport 4


If you want a possible say in the future of Windows, here's your chance...

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, I googled Microsoft online training and got some website that talks about the people who write the Microsoft training programs and tells you where to go on the page to practice, like its so easy. So frustrating. Sorry I don't have a Phd in information techonology, Microsoft. I just wanna practice some word, Excel and PowerPoint. It shouldn't be like a research project or something. I click the Microsoft word icon and I get something called starlight Instead of a page opening up to a practice lession. What is starlight supposed to be, is it a practice lession or something that allows practice sessions to run? I clicked download, but, I'm not even sure if I downloaded it or not. I even had a nice man trying to help me at the library. He got it downloaded, but, didn't know what it was calling for after that. I've downloaded and installed stuff before. What's the problem. Can't you make your stuff simple and user friendly? I was looking for an online practice. Its supposed to be ONLINE-thats what the link said. Where is it? I'm most familiar with word 2003. I can find my way around the contemporary versions, but, I just wanna know that I know what I'm doing. Ugh! Please with this. Its so ridiculous! I hope I haven't violated you comments policy, Greg. I hope you let them see this.


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