Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Windows Azure? Oh, no one uses that and if they did they would be locked into the Microsoft stack..." and other Azure myths debunked...

Buck Woody - Windows Azure Myths

"Windows Azure is part of the Microsoft "stack" - the suite of software and services we offer. Because we have so many products in almost every part of technology, it's hard to know everything about all parts of what we do - even for those of us who work here. So it's no surprise that some folks are not as familiar with Windows and SQL Azure as they are, say Windows Server or XBox.

As I chat with folks about a solution for a business or organization need, I put Windows Azure into the mix. I always start off with "What do you already know about Windows Azure?" so that I don't bore folks with information they already have. I some cases they've checked out the product ahead of time and have specific questions, in others they aren't as familiar, and in still others there is a fair amount of mis-information. Sometimes that's because of a marketing failure, sometimes it's hearsay, and somtetimes it's active misinformation.

I thought I might lay out a few of these misconceptions. As always - do your fact-checking! Never take anyone's word alone (including mine) as gospel. Make sure you educate yourself on your options. Your company or your clients depend on you to have the right information on IT, so make sure you live up to that.


A nice, short and sweat Azure myth debunker... Personally I think Windows Azure is going to get stronger, have a much broader impact and be found in more places than you might imagine. It's a Microsoft shining star and if the Cloud is the future I think Microsoft is getting into the right place...

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