Saturday, May 05, 2012

GIMP 2.8.0 (RTW) for Windows now available

GTK+ and GIMP installers for Windows - GIMP 2.8.0

Download gimp-2.8.0-setup.exe (76.2 MB)



GIMP 2.8 released 2012-05-03

We are happy to announce immediate availability of GIMP 2.8 — a new stable version of GNU Image Manipulation Program that culminates 3.5 years of exciting work.

With this version we are introducing some long-anticipated features such as layer groups, on-canvas text editing, advanced brush dynamics and the much desired optional single-window mode. We also started applying other important changes to the user interface that bring us closer to matching the product vision.

For detailed information about changes since 2.6 please read the release notes. Source code is available for downloading from a plethora of mirrors, a build for Windows will soon be available, and we hope to see a build for Mac OS X released as well.

We'd like to thank everyone who participated in development of GIMP 2.8: programmers, translators, documentation writers (updated user manual is a work in progress), and testers. We also thank our user community for the dedication and support — we needed it more than ever.

Now that this version is finally released, we are grasping the future with both hands. Stay tuned: some really exciting news will follow

Call me old school (you can call me anything, just as long as you call me...) but the single window mode has me installing GIMP. I've tried it it in the past, but I could get beyond its windowing behavior. Now maybe my tried brain will finally be able to use it? (Okay, I doubt it, but hey you never know!)

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