Friday, May 18, 2012

LightSwitch joins VS11 as a baked-in core component (i.e. no longer a separate product). VS11 Professional, Premium and Ultimate are all getting LightSwitched

Visual Studio LightSwitch Team Blog - Visual Studio 11 Product Line-up Announced

"Today the Visual Studio 11 product line-up was announced on the Visual Studio Team blog. Part of this announcement was information on what editions will support LightSwitch development.

Launched last year as an out-of-band release, I’m excited to announce that LightSwitch is now a core part of the Visual Studio product line! LightSwitch will be available through Visual Studio 11 Professional, Premium and Ultimate [GD: Emphasis added]. With this integration, Visual Studio now provides a comprehensive solution for developers of all skill levels to build line-of-business applications and data services quickly and easily for the desktop and cloud.

I am particularly excited about the additional tools for data application development that will be available to you. In addition, with the new data services (OData) support in LightSwitch, you will be able to build additional clients using the broad set of project templates now included in these editions including Windows 8 Metro style apps.

LightSwitch will be retired from sale as a standalone product with the release of Visual Studio 11. If you acquire Visual Studio Professional, Premium, or Ultimate you will also get the LightSwitch development experience included in the box. We previously announced a price reduction for Visual Studio 2010 Professional to align it with the planned pricing for Visual Studio 11 making this an even more exciting offer. For more information on Visual Studio pricing please see:


That's great news for the LightSwitch team. This is an interesting product but hasn't had much exposure. Hopefully this move, and it's cool VS11 features, will help.


Related Past Post XRef:
More Visual Studio 11 details emerge - Product Lineup news (VS 11 Express for WinPhone, no plans for Language Express editions), System Requirements and more...

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