Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"SQL Server Performance Survival Guide" a fairly massive link round-up on all things SQL Server performance related

Microsoft TechNet wiki - SQL Server Performance Survival Guide

Troubleshooting performance problems on a database system can be an overwhelming task. The reasons for poor performance can range from a poorly designed database to a system that is improperly configured for the workload. As an administrator, you want to proactively prevent or minimize problems, and when they occur, you want to diagnose the cause and take corrective actions to fix the problem whenever possible - there is a vast array of deep technical discussions about SQL Server performance, and content about how to troubleshoot performance issues. We seek to point to the best content on the Web to enable you to find the information you need to learn how to improve and troubleshoot performance. If it's related to SQL Server performance, we'll try to point to it!

Note that throughout this guide, we point to performance content for SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, and SQL Server 2012. Most of the guidance written for SQL Server 2005 applies to later versions of SQL Server – but if we point to SQL Server 2005 content that doesn’t apply to later versions, (and vice versa) we’ll point it out.

This Performance Survival Guide is a continual work in progress, so please add your own performance tips and troubleshooting advice. Just click the "Edit" button above this article to add or improve the existing content.

Throughout this guide, the opinions and views expressed in links to non-Microsoft articles, marked with an icon (&), are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of Microsoft.


Looking to learn about, get more information on, details for, links to, blogs about, related people to follow and so much more in this from all around the web Survival Guide... (In short, start your SQL Server Performance resource hunt here...)

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