Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Visual Studio 2010 is now ever more portable (No, not that kind of portable)... As in the release of the Portable Library Tools 2 Beta for Visual Studio 2010

BCL Team Blog - Announcing Portable Library Tools 2 Beta for Visual Studio 2010 [Mircea]

Today we are announcing the Beta release of the Portable Library Tools 2 for Visual Studio 2010. This is an update to the first version we released in June 2011. It brings parity with Portable Library Tools in Visual Studio 11 Beta for those platforms supported by Visual Studio 2010. It also adds support for building portable libraries targeting more recent platforms, scoped to those features supported by Visual Studio 2010.

Portable Library Tools allow you to create C# and Visual Basic libraries that may be reused, without recompilation, from .NET projects for a variety of different platforms.

Download the Portable Library Tools Beta 2 today! (requires Visual Studio 2010 SP1)




That's a nice bump in features. Nice to see the complete Metro support... I think we're going to be seeing more of Portable Libraries in the future...


Related Past Post XRef:
Using the Portable Library Tools, a tutorial
Portable Library Tools RTW (think "One library binary, many platforms")
Write (.Net library) once, use everywhere (in .Net world)? The Portable Library Tools CTP Released. (Think “Reusing/Sharing the same Project between SilverLight, XNA, Windows Phone, etc” or “DRY .Net Project Style” )

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