Monday, May 14, 2012

Xamarin takes Android development to the visual edge with Xamarin Designer for Android for Visual Studio and MonoDevelop (also Mono for Android 4.2 & MonoDevelop 3.0 are out too)

betanews  - Xamarin Designer brings visual Android UX development to C#, .NET

".NET software development tool company Xamarin on Monday launched Xamarin Designer for Android, a drag-and-drop visual environment for creating native user interfaces for Android apps from within Visual Studio or within the Mono for Android IDE.

Xamarin is a young company made up of more than twenty ex-Novell team members who built the Mono open source .NET development framework. So far, the company is responsible for releasing Mono for Android, and MonoTouch for iOS.


Xamarin - Xamarin Designer for Android available for Visual Studio and MonoDevelop

"Today, we’re thrilled to announce the arrival of the Xamarin Designer for Android, which makes it incredibly easy for Android developers to visually create beautiful layouts for their applications from directly within Visual Studio and MonoDevelop.

The biggest single complaint we’ve heard about Android development from Mono for Android developers has been the absence of a great Android layout designer. With Xamarin Designer for Android, we’ve delivered the kind of design experience C# developers expect from their favorite IDE. To learn more about the Xamarin Designer, check out our Designer Overview and Designer Walkthrough

Along with Xamarin Designer for Android, we’re also releasing Mono for Android 4.2 and MonoDevelop 3.0 – both monumental releases in their own right.


You've got to hand it to the Xamarin, they are really brining some .Net excitement to Android (and iOS).

This looks pretty cool, not that I'm a dragy-dropy kind of UI dev, mind you... :|


Related Past Post XRef:
Android Ported to C# (Really, the Xamarin team has done a test/experimental/research port of Android to C#)
Mono Moving Forward... SUSE/Novell/Attachmate have worked out a deal with Xamarin for a brighter and clearer future for Mono...
Mono is dead, long live Mono… Hello Xamarin, Mono’s new home…

MonoDevelop 2.0 Released (oh and Mono 2.4 too… )
MonoDevelop 1.0 has RTM'ed

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