Tuesday, April 22, 2014

If change is good, then changelogs are even better! Windows Phone 8.1 Store now has a "New in this version"

WP Central - Dear developers: Please start using changelogs for Windows Phone 8.1 apps

Changelogs. They’re the list of reasons why we want to update an app or game. It’s the simplest thing that some app creators often ignore. It’s baffling. Version 1.2 of your app is out? Great, umm, why do I care unless you tell me?

Granted, in Windows Phone 8.0, and earlier there was no real region for a proper list of changes, resulting in some developers creating pop-up screens detailing the fixes upon first launch, or a separate area under ‘About’ where they can detail their continuing hard work, or even jamming it under the app description in the Store. It wasn’t ideal, but people definitely appreciated the effort.

But developers, you no longer have such an excuse with Windows Phone 8.1. And we hope you notice.

For our audience, if you head to the Store in the 8.1 Preview, you can tap on an app to see the new layout. There are four sections, including Overview, Reviews, Details and Related. You’ll want to start paying attention to the Details page, because developers now have an optional ‘New in this version’ subheading. That’s where you’ll find those app changes (assuming the developer filled it out).


Please please WP Dev's use this. As a consumer I hate getting an app update and not knowing what was updated, refreshed, fixed or new. And now you don't have to invent your own wheel...

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