Monday, April 21, 2014

Mixing up your PowerPoint training with Office Mix, your PowerPoint - > Interactive Training Tool

Kurt Shintaku's Blog - BETA: “Office Mix” – Turn PowerPoints into Interactive Training\

What does MIX do?
The short answer? It makes your life a lot easier. ...

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What does Office Mix do?


The “I-need-a-little-more-detail” answer? Office Mix allows you to turn your PowerPoints into interactive online lessons or presentations. We install an add-in that gives you the ability to record audio, video, and handwriting, and insert interactive elements like quizzes and CK12 exercises. There’s even a screen capture tool so you can record anything on your PC.

Once your presentation is ready just click “Create Mix.” We work our magic to mix it into an interactive document complete with analytics, and place it in the cloud. From there, just share the link, and your students can watch it on just about any device with a web browser. You can then check student progress online and see who watched the presentation, and how they did on your quizzes. 

How much does Office Mix cost?

Are you ready for this? It’s free! The website, data analytics, and add-in are all free. Office Mix does, however, require Office 2013. You can try Office for free if you don’t have the latest version.


This is a new Microsoft.. A "Sign-in with Google?" This is first time I think I've seen that on a Microsoft product/service like this (I think ;)

Anyway... With all the interactive features in PowerPoint, and the fact that how many more can you really add, this looks like a smart way to extend it and give it more life.

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