Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Nine to Mine - Nine free Data Mining/Analysis eBooks

CodeCondo - 9 Free Books for Learning Data Mining & Data Analysis

Data mining, data analysis, these are the two terms that very often make the impressions of being very hard to understand – complex – and that you’re required to have the highest grade education in order to understand them.


By learning from these books, you will quickly uncover the ‘secrets’ of data mining and data analysis, and hopefully be able to make better judgement of what they do, and how they can help you in your working projects, both now and in the future.

I just want to say that, in order to learn these complex subjects, you need to have a completely open mind, be open to every possibility, because that is usually where all the learning happens, and no doubt your brain is going to set itself on fire; multiple times.


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Learn Data Science from Free Books

There is no better way to learn than from books, and then going out in the world and putting that newly found knowledge to the test, or otherwise we’re bound to forget what we actually had learned. This is a beautiful list of books that every aspiring data scientist should take note of, and add to his list of learning materials.

What books have you read in order to help you begin your own journey in data mining and analysis? I’m sure that the community would love to hear more, and I’m eager to see what I potentially let slip through my fingers myself.

Some light reading for the week...

(via KDNuggets - 9 Free Books for Learning Data Mining and Data Analysis)


Related Past Post XRef:
"Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining" Open eBook...
Free Big Data eBook of the Day, "Mining of Massive Datasets"

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