Thursday, April 24, 2014

Visual Studio 2013 and getting "ID6040: The RSA key used to encrypt the RSA cookie was not found in the given decryption keys."?

I had to fire up a machine that I hadn't used in a while and why trying to use Visual Studio 2013, I got the usual "Your license has gone stale..." thing. When I tried to renew it as I have done a number of times, I got a really friendly error, "ID6040: The RSA key used to encrypt the RSA cookie was not found in the given decryption keys."

And I kept getting it...

Luckily a quick Bing brought me to this post (captured in full below, just in case);

Unable to Launch VS2013 after uninstall of VS2012

I had VS2010/2012 and 2013 premium installed.  Recently upgraded ReSharper to 8.x, only thing holding me back from using VS2013 on a daily basis.

I uninstalled VS 2012, installed ReSharper 8.x, all seemed to go just fine.

Now, when I launch VS 2013, all seems to be fine.  Except, it now prompts me with the Product Information dialog.  I get a "Your license has gone stale..." message.  I click "check for an updated license" and I get another dialog "Sorry, we ran into a problem"  "ID6040: The RSA key used to encrypt the RSA cookie was not found in the given decryption keys."

I have reinstalled VS 2013 update 1.  I have rebooted several times.  I have launched VS2013 with the /ResetSettings, and also /safemode and I still get the same dialog.

Any ideas how to get past this?  I am now shut out of my development...not a good state to be in.


The answer, which worked great for me;

Hi ShawnEqDev,

Have you also tried the following command?


And also have you try repair Visual Studio 2013 from control panel? It would help fix some possible problems for you.


Barry Wang

So if you get "ID6040: The RSA key used to encrypt the RSA cookie was not found in the given decryption keys." when trying to renew your VS 2013 license, give /resetuserdata a try...

For a default install, you'd run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /resetuserdata

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