Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Want to be a Microsoft MVP? Here's a couple what, where and how's...

It happens every three months, Jan 1, April 1, July 1, Oct 1. There's a flood of tweets and posts about how someone is now, or isn't, a Microsoft MVP. So how you do, the enterprising MS Dev, become one? Are there any tips, tricks and information about becoming a MVP? Oh yeah... Here are two.

Charles Sterling has this one from 2008 that's still considered a must read.

Ozzie Rules Blogging - Recipe for making an MVP

One of the absolute best parts of my job is that I get to work with the VSTS MVP's on a regular basis.  Due to this interaction i have had a couple people ask: "How is a VSTS MVP chosen?"

Other variants of this question would include:

"What is the process for selecting an MVP?"


"What is the criteria for selecting an MVP?"


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Just yesterday, I saw this post from Mike McKeown;

Pluralsight blog - How can I become a Microsoft MVP?

Have you ever asked yourself that piercing question about the coveted Microsoft Most Valuable Partner (MVP) award? I certainly have, more times than I can count. Too often, though, that little doubtful voice inside said, “Those levels of accomplishments are for others who are better than you. Now, go on back to the production line like a good little elf and keep cranking out those widgets.”

And, for the most part, that’s how I dealt with it. Yet, I still had a passion to do more, to reach higher and to stretch further. The MVP traits lined up with my personality; an intense appetite for technology, a passion to evangelize, a burning desire to convey it, a love of writing and speaking about it. If you’re reading this, chances are you feel the same way. So, let’s kick that doubting internal voice to the curb and talk about some ways that you can become an MVP.

First, it takes passion....


In conclusion, realize this is a commitment that will consume large amounts of your personal time. It takes a while to accomplish this, due to the gradual building of your reputation, achievements and brand. Stick to it and understand that it will most likely take more time than you thought.

Also keep in mind that if you don’t enjoy interacting with others regarding the technology that you are passionate about, you probably won’t ever reach that MVP Award. In this case, it may be better to obtain an MCP certification and leave the soft skills to others. Above all, pursue the MVP award primarily because you love what you do, and you have fun doing it!

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In short, the Microsoft MVP's have to work their butts off to earn and keep this award. And best of all they do it for you too! It's you, the community, that help them keep their MVP'ness (um... don't say that out loud... ). If you have a question, the MVP's are much more than likely very happy to help. Head over to the MVP Award Homepage,


Also while you are there you can also nominate your favorite MS community guy or gal too.


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