Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Web Camps Training Kit, March 2014 Edition

Microsoft Downloads - Web Camps Training Kit - March 2014

Version: March 2014

Date Published: 4/29/2014

WebCampsTK-Package-WebCampsTrainingKit.exe, 114 KB

The kit includes all the content presented around the world at the recent Web Camps events; presentations, demos, labs and more. Inside the new kit you’ll find content that covers the following technologies:

  • ASP.NET 4.5
  • jQuery
  • SignalR
  • Entity Framework
  • Visual Studio 2013
  • Internet Explorer 11 and HTML5
  • Building apps for Office with HTML5
  • Cloud application services




Internal or external, if you're doing any kind of Microsoft Web Stack Training, presenting or attending, this is a great resource...


Related Past Post XRef:
Web Camps Training Kit Updated
“Web Camps Training Kit” Don’t re-invent, re-use…

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