Monday, June 02, 2014

Ook! The Visual Studio 2013 SDK Sample (and more)

I'm sure you saw my Coding4Fun Blog post today? The one where I highlight the just released Visual Studio 2013 SDK samples? Oh wait, grrrr... maybe you didn't since just found out I screwed up the schedule for it (7/2, 6/2, so close yet so far apart) doh! Well it's live now at least! :/ Anyway, for details on the entire newly released Visual Studio 2013 SDK samples, check out Visual Studio 2013 SDK Samples Released

Of the samples, this is one that makes me smile, as I dig Ook!

Ook Language sample - VS 2013

This is the example used during the Visual Studio Ecosystem Summit Presentation "Getting Linguistic: Integrating a Language into Visual Studio" by Chris Granger. It implements the following language features for the esoteric language "Ook!":

  • General purpose token tagger
  • A classification tagger
  • A QuickInfo source and controller
  • A completion source and controller



Grab it and get Ooking!


Related Past Post XRef:
Visual Studio 2010 SDK Samples - One 30MB download, 68 samples, tons of learning...
Programming Languages You May have Missed. Zombie, Ook!, Chef and more

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