Monday, June 02, 2014

Piping in your long XML feeds to NewsBlur

Dave Shaw's Development Blog - Dealing with NewsBlur and Large Feeds

I’m a premium NewsBlur member, and have been ever Google decided to shutdown Google Reader. Mostly my experiences have been very good, with great support from Samuel when I needed it.

However, there has been one issue nagging at me for quite a while and this is, I cannot get a feed to Mark Seemann’s blog. I posted the problem on Get Satisfaction, but Samuel was unable to help due to the size of the feed. A few weeks ago a co-worker of mine mentioned Yahoo Pipes should be able to sort this, so I finally gave it a try. For those (like me until recently) who don’t know what Yahoo Pipes is it’s “a powerful composition tool to aggregate, manipulate, and mashup content from around the web”.

After a few minutes tinkering, I had finally built a “pipe” that took the blog feed, performed a “truncate” operation to 10 posts and output the feed again. ...


I love me my NewsBlur, but sometimes it's just not happy with long *.XML types of feeds. Dave had the same issue and instead of whining about it (or ignoring it like I have been... sigh) he's actually done something about it, and best of all, shared it with us! :)

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