Saturday, March 18, 2006

FileHelpers Rev'ed to v1.4.0

The Code Project - FileHelpers v1.4.0 - An Automatic File Import/Export Framework

"The FileHelpers are an easy to use library to import/export data from fixed length or delimited files. Also has support to import/export data from different data storages (Excel, Acces, SqlServer)

The library has a set of converters for the basic types and can be easy extended to provide custom converters.
1.4.0 (17-Mar-2006)After a lot of work I release it
Mayor changes:


The very cool FileHelpers has rev’ed to 1.4.0...

Past Post XRef:
File Helpers Rev’ed to v1.3.5
FileHelpers Library 1.3.1

Technorati Tags: ,

1 comment:

  1. Greg thanks for supporting the library spreading it to all your readers and for your comments about it.

    FileHelpers Developer


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