Monday, December 18, 2006

TFS Permission Manager 1.5 Released

SRLTeam - TFS Permission Manager 1.5 - Upgrade

"After receiving a lot of very good feedback about TFS Permission Manager, I finally found some time to add missing functionality. New version supports group permission management. Also, following request from Microsoft guys GNU license was switched to more permissive Berkley license.

Download available from the same place, you do not need to uninstall previous version, just run new setup.

I hope it will be helpful. Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated (as always :-)). " [Post leached in full]


(via My VSTS Blog - TFS Permission Manager 1.5 available)

Related Past Post XRef:
TFS Permission and Administration Tools


  1. Great app. Does not work on TFS 2010.

  2. You realize this was released in 2006? So it's not really to surprising that it doesn't work in VS2010.


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