Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Thinking about Composite UI App Block & Smart Client Software Factory Again...

mszCool's thoughts and cents revealed - Whitepaper: Composite UI Application Block and Smart Client Software Factory in the real world

"In the past months I worked with RACON Software GmbH. on an architectural design and prototype for a composite smart client based on Composite UI Application Block and Smart Client Software Factory. RACON Software GmbH, a Software house of the Raiffeisen Banking Group in Upper Austria. This paper has now been reviewed by and Eugenio Pace and his team of the Microsoft Patterns & Practices Group of Microsoft Corp. in Redmond and is available as a public download here.


This post has me thinking of CAB (Composite UI Application Block) and SCSF (Smart Client Software Factory) again...

Also the recent articles on Software Factories from MS (like this one from the Dec 2006 MSDN mag) has me thinking that I really need to spend a some time looking at the available software factories and GAT...

Just not enough time in the day... I wonder if Santa can bring me a UtBI? (USB to Brain Interface)

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