Monday, February 12, 2007

OpenXML Writer (Simple OSS OpenXML/DocX with XAML/WPF UI Word Processor)

OpenXML.bizOpenXML Writer

"OpenXML Writer is an opensource text editor for creating OpenXML Wordprocessing files (.docx). The generated files can be opened and edited in Microsoft(TM) Word 2007 and other softwares that support the OpenXML format.

Among the features supported are text formatting options like bold, italic, underline, font color, font name , font size,  paragraph justification and text indentation.  Basic editing functions like cutting, copying,  pasting and spell check are also provided.


This is an interesting OpenXML/DocX word processing project, with C# source and UI implemented in WPF.

It's very bare bones (think WordPad feature set), but is an interesting implementation. Seeing that the UI is all XAML based was a surprise and now is a big draw for me...

(via Signs on the Sand - OpenXmlWriter - open source OpenXml text editor)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Greg,

    I found your blogpost about an "opensource" (will explain the quoting in a bit) wpf .docx editor control.

    I looked a bit further, but it's not opensource, but shared source.


    Matthijs ter Woord


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