Monday, February 12, 2007

Lord of the Rings Online NDA Lifted

The Lord of the Rings Online NDA has been lifted and I can now talk about my current MMO addition... Yeah!

Beta testing this game has been consuming all my free time for the last 3 months... Stupid game!  ;)


First of all, it's cool because it's built in part (the launcher at least.), on .Net 1.1.

Second, it's a Turbine game (my first introduction to MMO's was beta testing Asheron's Call and so Turbine MMO's  have a special place in my heart. ;)

Third, it's Lord of the Rings.. How can you not be excited about that?

Fourth, the game play is easy to pick up and very engaging... It has a great, "just one more quest..." feeling to it. It's just hard to stop playing. Early levels are easy to get, there's little/no grinding (it's a quest driven MMO), and it's playable solo.

Firth, they are supposed to publish an API to access character info (so I can create a blog widget to show off how uber "Dunc" on Meneldor is  :)

Well that's enough for now, but I'll post on it more later...


  1. In my world, NDA means New Drug Application. Took me a while to remember that some people use a Non-disclosure Agreement (what we call a CDA Confidential Disclosure Agreement - maybe so we don't get the two NDA's confused.)

  2. Well LOTRO is kind of like a new drug... ;)

    Still, sorry for the confusion. Stupid TLA's (Three Letter Acronyms ;)


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