Friday, February 09, 2007

Windows 2000 DST Patch Utility

IntelliAdmin - Unofficial Windows 2000 Daylight Saving Time Patch


Well, here we are. It is 2007, and Microsoft has published updates for XP, and 2003. But...No update for 2000 Workstation, or any of the server editions.

This is a huge problem for many organizations. I know some companies that have hundreds of Windows 2000 boxes....

The workaround that Microsoft provides is not easy to follow. Check out the KB article at Microsoft.

We have created a utility that will update any machine to the new daylight saving format (XP, NT, 2000, 2003, Vista). Obviously you only need it for 2000, or NT since those operating systems have dropped off support.

It updates Daylight Saving Time (Yes it is Saving, not Savings) in these time zones:
-Alaska Standard Time Zone
-Central Standard Time Zone
-Eastern Standard Time Zone
-Mountain Standard Time Zone
-Pacific Standard Time Zone
-Atlantic Standard Time Zone (Canada)
-Newfoundland Standard Time Zone (Canada)


This is something that might come in handy in the coming month...

This is a GUI & command line utility to help automate the coming North American DST changes/updates for Win2k (works on newer Win OS's too). The source is also available (Object Pascal for Delphi).

(via E-Bitz - SBS MVP the Official Blog of the SBS "Diva" - More DST patches and tools)


  1. Thanks much for this one guys.

  2. There's a reason this is atop of the results when searching for Windows 2000 DST.

    Great app. Easy to deploy manually, GPO, or via login script.

    I'll be checking out your product line now.

  3. Also the Microsoft registry fix doesn't work with Group policy as a computer startup script, you have to change a path inside the refreshTZinfo.vbs file

    replace this:
    objSh.Run "control.exe timedate.cpl,,/Z" & szTzKey

    objSh.Run "%SystemRoot%\system32\control.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\timedate.cpl,,/Z" & szTzKey

  4. Wow.. Greg Duncan.. now that's a name I haven't heard in a L00NG time :-)

    Still writing some of the best tools on the net I see...

  5. Hey Paul!

    I wish I could take credit for writing this, but I can't...

    All I can take credit for is making it a little easier to find. ;)

  6. Sure, it worked but now I lost connection to my network after rebooting the computer, even after I uninstalled the patch. Error says the dst is different from sync of server. any suggestions?

  7. I've not heard of or seen that...

    I'd go to the utility's page and email the post author or support (support[at]intelliadminDOTcom or steve[at]intelliadminDOTcom)

    I wish I could have been of more help,

  8. Oops, my bad, I figured it out, it was saying " There is a time and/or date difference between the client and server." so I googled it and came up with having to log on locally to the computer and change the time to the correct time and now it works as I logged on to the domain. The patch changed the time forward and wasn't syncing with the main server.

  9. Thanks for coming back and posting the solution...

    You rock

  10. Thanx,and by the way, that was Windows 2000 server.

  11. Greg - great stuff !

    -Jeff Ebersole


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