Friday, March 16, 2007

Advanced XNA Tutorials (Terrain, Flight Sim, Lighting,etc)

Riemer's XNA Tutorials

"Welcome to my XNA Tutorials. On these pages you can find everything you need to start writing your own XNA project! The aim of these XNA Tutorials is to kickstart your XNA programming in the shortest possible time. If you have some basic programming experience, whether it be using Microsoft Visual Basic or Java, you can start coding on your XNA project right away. All the software you need to start writing your XNA application is completely free! On the first page of Series 1 you can find the link where you can download Microsoft’s Game Studio Express.

The XNA Tutorials are presented in series of tutorials. Instead of writing small stand-alone chapters, I've opted to introduce you to the various XNA concepts one at a time, and gradually integrate the new concepts into our project as we move on. This way, you can see a real-use example of all the features explained in the chapters. The major aim of these XNA Tutorials is to produce nice-looking results within the shortest possible time. Let me show you the final screens of the 4 projects we create during the tutorials:


More XNA tutorials... 

Like the better tutorials, these start off simply and build your knowledge, and the game, as you progress. The end results of these tutorials seem to be pretty advanced (in my book a flightsim = advanced ;)

(via -

Related Past Post XRef: opens
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Free XNA Book

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