Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"Free (as in beer) Teamprise license for CodePlex users"

Martin Woodward - Free (as in beer) Teamprise license for CodePlex users

"Today, I am pleased to announce that Teamprise are offering complimentary licenses of the Teamprise client suite for anyone wanting to use Teamprise to connect to an open source project on CodePlex.  If you want to take advantage of this offer, see the sign up page.

For those of you who don't know, Teamprise offers three clients to help you talk to Visual Studio Team Foundation Server (TFS) from outside of Visual Studio 2005.  They are:-

  • Teamprise plug-in for Eclipse - A plug-in to TFS that gives you full IDE integration inside an Eclipse based IDE.
  • Teamprise Explorer - A stand-alone GUI client for TFS that will runs using native look and feel on multiple platforms including Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS X, GTK Linux, Solaris etc etc
  • Teamprise Command Line Client - A command line client for TFS familiar in operation to Microsoft's tf.exe only ours runs from any platform with the necessary Java JRE

Why are we making this offer?  It was a bit of a no-brainier really.  We'd heard about some projects that wanted to move to CodePlex but couldn't because some of the developers were not running Windows.  We have the necessary technology developed so it would make sense to get it in the hands of as many people as possible. ..."

That rocks. What a great move... A very nice bottom up approach. CodePlex users would likely not pony up the funds anyway, so it's not like they are losing any real sales. But getting their tools into the hands to OSS'ers could drive a good bit of corporate sales...

Personally I'm really interested in their stand-alone GUI (sigh... I guess it's the old SourceSafe user in me I guess.. out demon, out!  :)

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