Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Free Teamprise For CodePlex - It's a Keeper

Having received my free CodePlex only Teamprise license (see "Free (as in beer) Teamprise license for CodePlex users" for more details), I downloaded and installed the Teamprise Explorer.

It's a keeper...

Sometimes I just need a quick way to check in or out a file (like a readme or doc), add or edit a work item, etc, and firing up VS, going to the project, opening the source control view, yada, yada, yada is overkill.

The Teamprise Explorer is a just the ticket. It's fast, easy and cheap (hard to beat free).

The only very minor issue I had was that you have to remember that URL CodePlex is SSL based. So while the email from Teamprise reminds you to use https://, the connect dialog "Example" server URL doesn't. So of course I forgot to enter https://... dogh.

If you're a CodePlex Project user, you should check this offer from Teamprise... 

Related Past Post XRef:
"Free (as in beer) Teamprise license for CodePlex users"

1 comment:

  1. Glad you like it Greg. Funnily enough one of the team actually modified that dialog so that it did lots of cool stuff like changing the example, filling in SND for the domain and automatically adding _cp on the end of the username. For some reason I asked for the changes to be taken out.

    Now I feel really dumb.

    We'll see what we can do for the next release.


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