Monday, March 05, 2007

Free TFS Outlook 2007 Addin

My VSTS Blog - Team System Outlook 2007 Addin available

"A little while ago, I blog about the Outlook 2003 Addin and what a handy utility this was. Unfortunately at the time it was only available for Outlook 2003. Well the good news today is that the guys from the MS Israel community have released the Team System Outlook 2007 addin so for Office 2007 users the wait is now over.

More Info & Download" [Post Leached in full]

While I'm not going to give up my TeamLook (I totally dig TeamLook, BTW... I can't imagine using TFS without it), the above addin is a option for those who want Outlook-TFS integration but can't/don't want to pay for a commercial product.

For example, for my home/personal CodePlex projects, this may be perfect...

1 comment:

Daniel Garcia said...

I had a look at this and teamlook and they are both good. The one thing neither application seem to do is manage work items alongside outlook tasks.

After all, a work item is a task, so why should it sit next to "Check Dilbert" and "Buy milk on the way home"