Friday, March 09, 2007

gSyncIt - Freeware Outlook to Google Calendar Sync Utility - gSyncIt


gSyncit for Microsoft Outlook keeps Microsoft Outlook and your Google calendar in-sync. After installing gSyncit and starting Outlook you'll find a new toolbar available to configure gSyncit and synchronize your calendars. You can manually synchronize your calendar or have it automatically sync on a preset interval.

gSyncit works by updating your Microsoft Outlook calendar with your Google calendar entries and then updating your Google calendar with your Microsoft Outlook entries....


Product Features

  • Works manually or automatically.
  • Supports synchronization of Google calendars to Outlook calendars.  
  • Supports synchronization of events 365 in the past and 365 into the future.
  • Supports synchronization from Google to Outlook, Outlook to Google, or both.
  • Uses the Google gData Calendar API's

Pricing Information


Joe pointed this out to me yesterday, saying it's just up my ally... Cool Free stuff for Windows, Office/Outlook and Google? Yep, that's me.  ;)

I currently have Outlook 2007 hooked to my gmail (Pop3, etc) and it works great, but I miss not having all my calendaring in one place (especially since Outlook 2007's calendaring is pretty cool now). This has kept me from fully utilizing my Google Calendar.

Well this utility may just be the ticket. It's simple, easy, focused and priced to move...

On Vista, make sure you right click, "Run as Administrator" when installing. Besides that it seems to be working well for me on Vista/Outlook 2007...

Also officially cool is that it supports selecting any Calendar folder to sync. So for sanity's sake, I added a new calendar folder to my local gmail pst. Then I set the gsyncit options to use that new folder, set my google userid/password, sync'ed and it was done. No fuss, no muss, sync'ed calendar appointments.

Very nice...

Related Past Post XRef:
Sync Outlook with Google Calendar and more...


  1. Do I know the blogs I read or what? :-)

  2. ive been using calgoo - it works great for this and also allows iCal importing. they just hit beta about a month ago so hopefully they'll be improving on a product ive been using on and off for a bit


  3. Thanks... gSyncIt appears to no longer be freeware so I'm on the lookout for another utility...

    I'll give this a look. Thanks again for the tip.


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